Sorry Mamans! I haven't been posting on here for a week or so since I was traveling for work last week and did a presentation at a conference too. I'm wiped out! I've also been dealing with my left hip bursitis for over a year now, a remnant of pregnancy/childbirth. The doctor tells me it's pretty common. But it's gotten worse for me in the last two weeks. I hope it gets better soon because I can't take it anymore. In the meantime, I am doing stretches and trying not to be sitting for too long. I found a great resource online for bursitis and stretches you can do for hip pain.
My advice to new moms, make sure in your later months of pregnancy from 7 months and on, to not sleep on one side and alternate, even if they say the left side is better. Memory foam padding for the bed can also help with the weight against the mattress.
In the meantime, enjoy this cute photo of Chloe and Lulu this evening. Chloe wanted a kiss and Lulu just stared at her mouth. Too funny! I'll have some fashion loves posted for you next week! xoxo