I found it was time to get Chloe some play kitchen toys but I wasn't ready to invest a boatload into a standing play stove. For one, our apartment isn't big enough and secondly, she isn't tall enough for one right now. Case in point she hit her nose while opening the cabinet in a friend's play stove. I thought it would be fun for her to have something much more portable and something that she could play with on the floor or at her little play table. After much research and reading of comments, I found this fabulous For Here or To Go Kitchen (On sale for $24.95 at The Land of Nod). The beauty of this wooden stove is that it folds up into a little suitcase so you can take it on the go! I like that it comes with some goodies too like the wooden spoons and spatuals, as well as a pot, and 2 salt and pepper holders. It came in the mail two days ago and Chloe hasn't stopped playing with it. In fact, it's so great because it keeps her busy so I can make her meals while she's having fun. You'll definitely get your money's worth with this one!

She liked the metal pots at her friend's house that I decided to get this nice set called Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mini Cooking Set ($24.95 at The Land of Nod). Let me just say she LOVES this. I read in one of the comments that it's not about the kitchen but the pots and fake food you get. I think so far this may be true. It seems a bit pricey for kids pots, but I figured she'll be using these for years.
Here are more portable play kitchens:

Order Up! Portable Kitchen ($49 at The Land of Nod)
Made from sustainably sourced wood. Comes with saucepot with lid, frying pan with egg, wooden spoon, and oven mitt.

Alex Wooden Cook Top Playstove ($36.99 on Amazon)

Wonderworld Eco-Friendly My Portable Cooker ($39.87 on Amazon)