I’m excited to present my “book” project that I have been working on for a few years since 2016. I have been researching STEM and wrote a fun series for young girls (and boys also, of course) centered on STEM adventures. (STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Sometimes it is called STEAM with an added Art element but I think Art already weaves through all of the STEM elements.) This STEM Web Series is great for kids learning how to read in grades 1-3 but this story can also be read aloud to kids as young as 3 years old. The earlier we start introducing STEM to kids, the better. My Web Series was written as an early chapter book novel, so each of the chapters are really short and sweet (2-3 pages). Adventures in Tinkering with Chloe and Lulu is the story of a normal 3rd grade girl named Chloe and her STEM adventures with her talking, food-loving, adorable Pomeranian Lulu. There are no mean girls in these stories. And to be clear, the main character is a normal girl, not weird or nerdy -- normal. I really wanted to diminish the stereotype that smart girls have to be "nerdy". Each story in my Web series will cover a topic in STEM along with a corresponding STEM Maker project.
I believe that STEM should be FREE. With my digital media and maker/crafter background, I have been at the forefront of the Maker Movement from the early days from my time working at Maker Media/O'Reilly Publishing and the Maker Faire events that we had to organize and run. I believe that in order to learn, kids need to do things hands on and girls especially need projects that also look cute. Makers from all around the world have inspired me and I love the sense of community that was built from sharing projects and the show-and-tells at the various Maker Faires. I would love to share this concept and feeling with these young girls. To know that they can tinker, make and invent things while building a sense of community too, that's what STEM can be too.
Why did I write this story? Many little kids over the years have loved and connected with my little dog Lulu. My daughter and I used to joke, “If Lulu could talk, what would she say?” Lulu became my inspiration for creating the side-entrance to STEM. If the word science doesn't get your attention, maybe a little dog can. Who can resist the funny antics of a talking, food-crazed little dog?
Thank you to some of my good friends (some from the publishing industry) who have read this book for me multiple times, editing and copy editing. But, if you should happen to see any errors, please feel free to leave me a comment! I will be continually updating the site and hope to make this an interactive experience with the addition of audio narration sometime in early 2020. I am uploading chapters as I go and currently Chapter 1 is available to read as well as the Maker Project, How To Make a No-Sew Recycled T-shirt Tote Bag). Feel free to also comment if there are any topics in STEM your child may be interested in. I'm working hard on researching and creating a math-themed project.
Adventures in Tinkering: Story #1 The Tinkering Contest
You can also visit Adventures in Tinkering by the url TinkerBinker.com