Things That Go Away
by Beatrice Alemagna
Age Range: 4-8 years old
40 pages, Hardcover
Publisher: Abrams Books for Young Readers
About a month ago I received a box of books to review for Abrams. I don't review all the books I receive, rather, I review the ones that call out to me and that I think are important. This month, I picked the Anna Strong book (reviewed here) and this new one that just came out today, Things That Go Away by Beatrice Alemangna. What a difference a month makes. This book is so poignant to the current coronavirus pandemic that I think it will help younger kids understand that this crisis we find ourselves in will pass, much like a boo-boo or anything else.
With simple drawings on creatively placed vellum in between the illustrated pages, children can see how an act of crying can pass so quickly and turn into spots on a cat and birds can fly by and transform the sky. This book will help to explain to young kids that things don't last forever and in time, all things and situations move on. I really enjoyed this beautiful book and love how timely it is for what we are going through now. It's a great reminder to all of us!
Here are some interior pages from Things That Go Away:
Pick up the book Things that Go Away on Amazon
Review book provided by Abrams